Save Corrina

It has been 149 days since Ramon's leukemia diagnosis and 148 days since we learned the type: AML. On the exact same day, May 8, 2019, across the country in California, a single mother, Corrina Santacruz, was given the same life-changing news. I stumbled upon her story on Instagram and have been following her parallel journey. Corrina is now in need of a bone marrow transplant, and her ethnicity has made it difficult for her to find a match. Check out this NBC Palm Springs article that shares her story:

White people have a 77% chance of finding a donor on the Be the Match registry. However, these percentages are much lower for people of other ethnic backgrounds. Latinos make up only 11% of the Be the Match registry, hence Corrina's inability to find a match. It's as easy as a swab of the cheek, and it could truly save someone's life. Please consider joining the registry, especially if you're not white:

P.S. We were discharged from the hospital over the weekend, and Ramon is feeling better each day. A more thorough update is coming, but, for now, let's help Corrina and her daughter, Vida.
