How am I doing?

How am I doing? Well, I’m exploring new places through travel, music, and books. I’m sitting on hold with countless financial institutions and utility companies. I’m enjoying the cooler weather while walking the dogs, running, and sitting on porches. I’m partaking in adult-like phone calls and signing documents, much to my dismay. I’m doing freelance work and napping when inspired. I’m enthusiastically watching baseball and miserably watching football. I’m catching up on appointments I’ve neglected since Ramón’s diagnosis in May 2019. I’m snacking on Starbursts and seaweed (separately). 

I’m routinely looking up at the sky and the clouds, admiring the beauty of it all. I’m wearing comfy sweatpants, festive shoes, and even a bona fide smile. I’m draped in acts of love and kindness from people and animals alike. I’m constantly wishing I had the bandwidth to thank everyone who has said, done, or sent something thoughtful. I’m reminiscing about the last nine years and channeling my energy into what’s yet to come. So, yeah, I’m doing, and I’m doing quite well. Ramón made it clear – through his actions and his words – that his priority was to see me happy, so that’s my goal, too.  


  1. I don't know how you do it. I admire your tenacity! I know the dogs are very grateful for you and being there. I have two beagles in Heaven and I hope Ramon stops and says hello to them and rubs their bellies. They would love it and love him! I always want to say something but I find the right words hard, I guess because I'd like for you to be dealing with everything peacefully and that you are at peace, but I don't think I can say the right words to make a difference, other than you're being thought of in so many ways, Drew! Thank you for these posts!!


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